• Inspiring learners to leverage the arts and innovative technology to create, collaborate, communicate, critically think, and contribute as part of a global community


    • FSD formed in 1888, one year after the founding of the City of Fullerton.
    • 11,420 students grades K-8 in a 26 square mile area that encompasses most of the city of Fullerton.
    • 15 elementary schools, two K-8 campuses, and three Junior High Schools.
    • 60% of pupils qualify for Federal Free and Reduced Price meal program
    • 687 teachers and other certificated staff, 898 classified support staff

    Award-Winning Schools

    • 13 California Distinguished Schools
    • 17 Golden Bell Award Winners
    • 6 National Blue Ribbon Schools
    • 3 Title One High Achieving Schools
    • 2 Apple Distinguished Schools
    • Schools to Watch Award (4 Schools)
    • 11 California Gold Ribbon Schools
    • Common Sense Digital Citizenship (6 times)
    • 13 Educational Results Partnership Honor Roll Schools
    • 20 California PBIS Implementation Award Schools (All sites: 18 Platinum Schools and 2 Gold Schools)
    • Exemplary School of the Arts Distinction (2 times)

    Unique and Robust Programs

    • The District’s 1:1 Visible Innovation Program (VIP) provides students with 21st Century student-specific skills, content knowledge, and literacy that will enable them to master the skills necessary to meet the challenges of and to thrive in today’s world. The program uses educational technology to increase collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication – skills all students need to compete in the global market. As part of VIP, all 3rd-8th grade students have received an iPad for 24/7 use.
    • All students in the District benefit from the All the Arts for All the Kids Foundation, an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to developing, sustaining, and supporting the arts as an intrinsic part of every child’s education
    • The District offers an Elementary Instrumental Music Program taught by fully credentialed music teachers. Countless studies show the benefits of including the arts and music in early education as well as clearly illustrating the numerous links between musical training and math proficiency. Many students who struggle academically and socially find success and experience growth as well as increased self-esteem as a result of participating in the Elementary Instrumental Music Program.
    • Fullerton School District is proud to offer the Multi-Age Program as a State approved Alternative Program of choice. We are one of five districts in California offering this unique and innovative classroom learning environment.
    • The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program at Beechwood aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who are motivated and empowered to make a difference in their local and global communities.
    • The District supports early childhood education also, offering a Preschool program, as well as a Transitional Kindergarten program.
    • MyFSD Academy is the Fullerton School District’s Homeschool program designed to support families where the parent desires to be the primary instructor for their child. MyFSD Academy is intended for families who are interested in the homeschooling concept, where the parents are involved in most aspects of the students learning and schooling process, and who also want the support of a credentialed teacher for goal setting, one on one meetings, and hands-on symposiums or project-based learning times. 
    • The Fullerton School District’s Dual Language Academy is for all students to reach high levels of academic achievement, develop biliteracy and bilingualism, and cultivate cross-cultural competencies needed to succeed in a multicultural society and global economy.  Programs are offered in both Spanish and Korean.

    Parent and Community Support

    • Supportive community partnerships with Schools First Credit Union, the Wilson W. Phelps Foundation, Raytheon, St. Jude’s Hospital, Fullerton Cares, Rotary Club of Fullerton, NGA.
    • Three District-wide foundations donate over $250,000 a year to the District; 11 site-based foundations support individual schools.
    • Champions for Learning is a group of parent leaders selected by schools principal from various facets of the school that are highly involved in the school. They are leaders from, PTA, DELAC, ELAC, Foundations and parent volunteers. The Champions group focuses on strengthening school-family-community partnerships to create rich learning environments and experiences that meaningfully engage all stakeholders.
    • Each school has an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
    • The District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) is comprised of parents, staff, and community members and is designed to advise District officials on English learner programs and services.
    • The City of Fullerton is known for its educational emphasis, with five institutions of higher education, including Cal State Fullerton, Hope University, and Southern California College of Optometry.